Hey there Newgrounds!
My name is Shari, I'm an artist and I'm new to the site..well I've been a frequenter for some time now but I didn't realize there was an art portal XD
So now I've started posting my artwork here and can't believe the warm welcome I've received! This community is so lovely and accepting of my goofy artwork, hooray! And don't worry there is more to come of course :D
I live in Canada. I enjoy drawing, videogames, comics, watching cartoons and all things related :B
I never know what to write in these things, so feel free to ask away^^
Oh and I will do commissions, I won't draw ppl getting it on just to get that out of the way ha! And I don't charge retarded amounts either so msg me and I can get you a quote :D
thanks everyone for looking at my stuff, seeya around the site!
<3 Shari
okay welcome